Raffaele Giaffreda

Raffaele is Chief IoT Scientist in FBK's OpenIoT Research Unit and deals with technology transfer activities in the field of digital agriculture. He is coordinator of the European project AgrifoodTEF, which develops infrastructures for experimentation and validation services for new products based on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, in support of the European agri-food sector. He also deals with dataspaces for agriculture and opportunities for exploitation and sovereign data sharing within the EU AgriDataSpace project.
He has been working for 20 years in the field of telecommunications research and innovation in various fields, from optical communications to mobile wireless networks to the Internet of Things. He has been coordinator of several projects and research activities in the context of EU FP7 and H2020 framework programmes, mainly dealing with the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques supported by IoT data collection platforms in various application contexts.
Raffaele is a recognised expert in the Internet of Things, with a strong technological background, but particularly interested in the strategic work of translating long-term research ideas into solutions that find impact in the short term.
He graduated in Electronic Engineering from Turin Polytechnic in 1995 and received his Master of Science in Telecommunications Engineering from University College London in 2001. He has worked for Telecom Italia laboratories and for British Telecom (BT UK).