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I Protagonisti

Fabio Abeni

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Head of CREA's Livestock and Aquaculture Research Centre.
Head of the Experimental and Precision Livestock Research Group at the CREA Livestock and Aquaculture Research Centre in Lodi.

He deals with:
- dairy cow welfare, with particular focus on heat stress problems and possible nutritional and feeding strategies to deal with it

- cow nutrition and milk quality, with particular attention to the fodder base and the use of silage fodder

- physiology and nutrition in heifer and heifer rearing, with attention to the repercussions on age at first calving in the Italian Friesian breed

- milking automation in dairy cattle (animal welfare, physiology, milk quality for cheese production)

- precision zootechnics.

Scientific responsible for several projects on precision animal husbandry

April 2020 - today. Animal Science and Production Association (ASPA) [Animal Science and Production Association]: ASPA Study Commission Coordinator on "Precision Animal Husbandry".

Scientific and technical publications

Author of over 200 publications in international scientific journals, national scientific and technical journals, proceedings of international and national congresses, of which 46 in international indexed scientific journals (880 citations, h-index = 18).

Head of CREA's Animal Husbandry and Aquaculture Research Centre

Saturday 18